EVENT MARKETING Step Right Up - SFCC Applied Visual Arts Grad Show

Step Right Up and see the GRADest show on earth! As students in the SFCC Graphic Design program, we are being asked to step right up to the next level - professional. And at this event we are asking the pros to step right up and take a look at our portfolios. On this project I worked together as part of a team. My role on the team was that of creative director. We explored several concepts and decided to run with the early 20th century circus concept incorporating historical illustrations of items that describe each of the four applied visual arts programs - Graphic Design, Photography, Digital Media, and Interior Design. The poster on the left was designed and illustrated by Missy McGillicuddy. The backside of the poster acts as an invitation. I designed the backside in the old letterpress style using phrases from circus barkers back in the day. When hung on glass windows the poster/invitation works well from both sides.